
Good Review By Judy Turner

Hopefully you can enjoy the beauty through our pictures! They are beautiful scenery mostly & worth your moments spared. BTW, this wonderfully delightful trip was 100% planned by our incredible & talented entrepreneur “daughter” Erin Foster Turner, owner of the new & already highly successful Paradise In Your Palm Travel Agency. That’s a full disclosure - but no lie! I promise she is hands on, aims to please & will increase your pleasure rating on any trip or cruise you might desire. The ease of everything we did was 100% because of her planning. Shuttles were waiting or available wherever we went, our tickets were waiting at every hotel & tour, our itinerary was flawless and our trip was seamless. We took tours & visited areas between Anchorage & Seward by the Alaska Railway, a seaplane (Rust’s Company Tour), cruise tours, by foot, shuttles & rafts!! It was more fun than I can describe & we all wished we had more days/time & more money to spend visiting there!! THANK YOU, ERIN! Trip was awesome & we loved it!! Are you ready to plan our next trip to GREECE? 

Judy Turner